

The Residents’ Association is an elected volunteer body that was established to maintain the overall appearance of our community. It was established by Alldritt Land Corporation (ALC) through the placement of an encumbrance on all properties that were managed by ALC in the Donsdale Community. It is the responsibility of the legal representation of the potential homeowner at the time of purchase to notify them of the encumbrance placed on the property. This encumbrance is used to generate funds for the homeowners association to maintain the community.

Serving on your board is a great way to get to know your neighbours and help shape the governance of our community. The board’s membership is set at the Annual General Meetings, which are announced on this website.

As of January 2025, the board includes:

  • Taylor Garries – President and Communications Director;
  • Cam Miles – Vice President
  • Glen Mulzet & Mackenzie Crawford – Co-Maintenance Directors;
  • Mark Ballermann – Secretary, [email protected];
  • Peg Quinn – Collections

Each of our board members volunteers 100% of their time to manage and administer the operation of our community on behalf of our members. We also interface with and represent our members’ interests with the City of Edmonton. In short, we work for all the homeowners’ in The Properties of Donsdale.