
2023 Fee Notice

The notices for the 2023 Residents’ Association fees have now gone out and should be appearing in your mailboxes shortly.

2023 Fees
Pay this amount by January 31, 2023

Paying By Mail

  • Cheques should be made payable to:
    Properties of Donsdale Residents Association.
  • Please clearly indicate the address in Donsdale for which you are paying.
  • Only cheques, money orders, or bank drafts will be accepted.
  • Please send payment to the mailing address below. This is not a physical location.

Properties of Donsdale Residents Association
212 Darlington Crescent NW
Edmonton, AB   T6M 2T2

Fee Calculations

Base amount (2002 fee) $240.00
CPI* (since 2002, 61.3%) $147.12
2023 Residents Association Fee $387.12
GST $19.36
Total $406.48

* Consumer Price Index Adjustment: The October 2022 all-items consumer price index published by Statistics Canada for Edmonton is 161.3 (2002 = 100).

Homeowners will be responsible for costs incurred in collecting their overdue accounts. These fees will be collected as per the registered encumbrance on the property title.

  • Don Spurgeon

    I mailed my annual fee payment to the above address indicated and my letter was returned. Please let me know how I can get this payment to you. 168 Darlington Cres NW T6M2T2

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    • Taylor

      Hi Don,

      That’s strange. Can you email me at [email protected] with a photo of the envelope? We’ll arrange something.

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