Updated Roofing Materials
The Design Guidelines have been updated to allow for new roofing materials to be used in the neighbourhood. This update comes after many, many hours of hard work by members of the community to review potential alternatives to wood shakes.
Download Roofing Materials Guide
At the 2019 AGM, attendees directed the board to appoint a committee to explore potential alternatives to wood shakes.
The board developed committee terms of reference and appointed two co-chairs to the committee from the board. All residents were invited to participate in the review. Notices were sent by email, website, social media, and community signage.
Fourteen residents volunteered, in addition to the two co-chairs. All volunteers were accepted to the committee by the co-chairs.
The committee actively researched potential products with a focus on products that share the appearance of wood shakes. The research included a presentation from a roofing contractor. Committee members took and shared photographs of the installed products. The committee recommended that the board adopt three products as acceptable alternatives to wood shakes/shingles.
The Board of Directors has adopted the recommendations of the Roofing Review Committee. Each product is approved for use only in the colours listed. Other colours of the same product are not approved for use in Donsdale.