Maintenance Completed the Week Of: 2019-07-29
- Mowed and trimmed all turf areas.
- Raked debris and algae from pond and streams.
- Pruned and shaped shrubs along the north and south stream paths.
- Cleaned plugging pump suction screen for the Danbury Fountain.
- Completed this year’s painting and staining program – Items done this year included:
- 2850 feet of public facing wooden fence (about 1/3 of the total)
- All the metal railings around the pond and on the bridges
- 6 wooden skirts on the gazebo pillars
- The wooden trellis at the Lessard end of the stream
- The dog bag stand posts
- Apply epoxy coating to the basin of the Dalhousie Fountain
Expected to complete August 6th – August 11th
- Mow and trim all grass areas.
- Rake algae and debris from pond and streams.
- Weed and prune junipers on the Danbury and Dalhousie entrance medians.
- Cut back water plants at the Lessard end of the stream.