Engineers assessment and reserve fund study update

At the 2015 AGM, the board informed the membership of their intention to obtain an engineer’s assessment of the pond and stream course area due to changes in normal water flow and visible movement of the gazebo and associated walkways. These concerns have been discussed with multiple engineers, including one preliminary site visit to assess the scope of the work. Through these discussions, uncertainty has arisen as to who is responsible for repair and upkeep of the various aspects of the pond and stream course areas. Several discussions have occurred with the City of Edmonton, however uncertainly remains. The board will continue to seek mutual clarity with the city before committing to any expenses.

The membership was also informed of the board’s intention to commission a reserve fund study. The results of this study are largely dependent upon the anticipated need for repairs or replacement of the enhanced amenities in the pond and stream course areas. While the board has obtained and reviewed quotations for the completion of this study, it will not be initiated until the above uncertainties are resolved and the site is assessed to the extent deemed necessary at that time.